Clinical Advantage
The use of VetMetrica HRQL instruments raises the profile of preventative veterinary medicine within a health and wellness model of veterinary care and improves disease detection, including chronic disease which is often unrecognised and unreported.
It also adds another dimension to the monitoring of treatment, supplementing subjective owner report with measurement, the outcomes of which can be treated statistically to provide an evidence base. End of life decisions are made easier when deterioration in quality of life is quantified.
Regular use gives the owner confidence in the dog’s health status in between routine vet visits and
streamlines the consultation process, enhancing communication with clients and establishing stronger bonds with clients as partners in their animals’ healthcare

"I have been using VetMetrica for over 18 months now and have found it has revolutionised how I monitor patients and collect data. It is very easy to set up and the tools are intuitive and easy to follow
VetMetrica provides a great window into the animals’ quality of life and how it feels in its home environment. This has enabled me to better care for these patients and also collect good quality data for future publications. I cannot recommend VetMetrica enough. "
Andy Armitage, Greenside Vet Practice

Vetmetrica offers a valuable tool in assessing the impact of chronic pain on quality of life in dogs & cats. When treating chronic pain, most owners say that quality of life is paramount and they want their pet to be pain free. Vetmetrica engages owners and gives them the ability to measure quality of life.

"I found that a computer based scale run by Newmetrica... the same great people who gave us the Glasgow Pain Scales... is a wonderful way to get reliable quality of life scores. You can find it here at It generates a non-biased decision using a computer algorithum. Answers are weighted differently so it is harder for the caregiver to subconsciously manipulate the outcome. And they cannot go back and change their answers like they can on paper form" Dr Mike Petty

“Firstly I want to congratulate you and your team on the important work you are doing in the field of pain assessment and in particular the NewMetrica HRQL tool which I think is a real game changer!” – Leon Warne.